One Lovely Blog Award

Oh my! I’m stunned and honored (but I can’t be speechless cause this is a blog). I was nominated by Healing for the Nation.

To accept this award:

1. Link back to the blogger who nominated you.

2. Paste the award image on your blog.

3. Tell 7 facts about yourself.

4. Nominate 15 other blogs that you would like to give the award to.

5. Contact the bloggers that you have chosen and let them know about the award.


7 facts about myself:

  1. I love helping people learn.
  2. I work best under pressure or inspiration.
  3. My favorite movie is The Major and the Minor (1942), starring Ray Milland and Ginger Rogers, directed by Billy Wilder.
  4. I read Pride and Prejudice every Christmas (only this year I cheated and watched the BBC miniseries with Colin Firth.)
  5. The reason I cheated is because my husband got me addicted MW3 on the PS3. I am now a 4-star general.
  6. I am a trained coloratura soprano.
  7. I love all things history, mostly because of my father who is a history buff and always planned summer vacations around important historical sites.

Blogs I’m nominating:

  1. To Have Her Heart
  2. The Soulsby Farm
  3. Simply Stephanie
  4. Modern Christian Woman
  5. I Am Kristin
  6. Peacefulwife’s Blog
  7. Vida y Salud 3
  8. The Unorthodox Epicure
  9. My First Sober Summer
  10. iGameMom
  11. Squiznit
  12. Well Spent Journey
  13. Chocolate Moments

So you noticed it said 15 and I only have 13. Can’t get anything by you, can I? Well, it’s not that I can’t count; it’s just that I’ve only been blogging here for less than two months and don’t know that many blogs yet. And I looked at others who received the award and they didn’t all nominate 15, so there. These however are all lovely!

6 thoughts on “One Lovely Blog Award

  1. Pingback: Thanks for the awards! « iGameMom

  2. Pingback: A Big Thanksgiving Thank You! | Encourage One Another Daily

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